Monday, September 5, 2011
Friday, October 23, 2009

On the bus, on the train or at the office…
Toop&Toop is now bringing you the latest property news
live or on the run thanksto breaking technology.
Toop.TV went live to air officially on Wednesday the 14th
October at 1pm. Now buyers, sellers and renters have access
to the very latest property information plus live access to the
property experts with our interactive help desk and show. Toop.TV
is 100% produced by Toop&Toop employing all South Australians,
using local talent and technology. We promise we will answer
even the hard questions. Toop.TV will be driven and evolved by
your feedback.
Want to know more? Here’s a brief guide to Toop.TV including how it
will help you get up to speed on what’s happening out
in the market, whether you’re a buyer, seller, renter or investor.

How do I tune in to Toop.TV?
Toop.TV is run as a live feed through the internet, so tuning in is
easy. Simply jump on your PC, fire up your web browser and go
to That’s it! This page has the live feed up front with
no irritating series of clicks to navigate your way through. It will
also provide you with a schedule for the upcoming broadcast
and links to the latest InsideStory bulletins
How do I find out about upcoming broadcasts?
Toop.TV will hit your PC live at 1pm every Wednesday. The timing was
determined by you with our Toop online statistics clearly point to this time.
Wednesday at 1pm consistently spikes with the highest online traffic for the
entire week.
If you’d like a reminder register as a buyer or renter at and before the show we’ll
jog your memory!
Missed the weekly broadcast?
We know people are busy and some Mac users may experience
difficulties viewing the live broadcast, so if you miss an episode
don’t worry! Just a short time after Toop.TV goes live to air, there’ll
be a podcast available for you to download from the site.

What will Toop.TV cover?
Toop.TV is your new one stop spot for the latest property information. We’ll be
covering all the latest property news, looking inside SA homes and speaking
to you, the consumers who are out in the marketplace.
The initial line-up includes the following segments…
InsideStory Live
Just like, Anthony will bring
you all the week’s latest property news live.
Behind The Blinds
Our Toop.TV reporter, Elise Partington, will bring you news on
current market issues from buyers and renters out in the field.
The latest updates and tips for investors and landlords
plus news for renters on the hunt.
Adelaide’s Property A List
In this exclusive, top end segment we’ll take a look inside
the best homes that South Australia has to offer.
Our interactive segment, this is your opportunity to have
your property questions answered live.

Thursday, October 22, 2009

It’s another innovation from Toop&Toop to make finding
your next property even easier when you’re out and about
with your iphone – we call it ToopPA.
Essentially it’s a Personal Assistant devoted to finding your next property. It
locates properties closest to you, provides directions and maps of how to get
there, plus shows all the street views, photos and floorplan along with property
inspection times and contact details. All this in the palm of your hand!
Step 1:
Not just another search engine, ToopPA is an iphone web application specially
designed to cater for the ‘mobile’ user. Just type into
Safari on your iphone and bookmark the page with the T&T icon for future
direct access.
Step 2: Properties or latest market updates – ToopPA has it covered
Use ToopPA to search for a property for sale or rent, upcoming inspection
details, for direct contact to the Toop team or get an update on what’s
happening in the market with InsideStory videos.
Step 3: Searching for your new home
Standing in a suburb you like the look of? Head to Inspections and hit ‘What’s
on nearby?’ and ToopPA will give you every inspection on in the area, how
cool is that! The other option is to simply search by Suburb, Street or just .toop it
either straight to a home you’ve spotted out and about or by unique feature
such as pool, tennis court, units, townhouses… the options are endless.
Step 4: All the Property details you need!
After just a few touches you’ll have all the information you need. The property
photos and floorplans have been specially altered and optimised for a
minimal download size, so you can slide through them at your leisure.
Step 5: Finding the way to your next home
Found the house you want to see? One touch and the location is sent straight
to Google Maps for directions to the property plus you can check it out using
Google Map’s Street View technology.
Grab your iphone, check it out and let us know what you
think through the feedback section – in the meantime enjoy
the ‘mobile’ search for your next property.
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